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Client Handbook and Policies

Client Handbook and Policies


Directions Client Handbook

Directions Handbook and Policies

Access to Supports Policy and Procedure

The provision of your supports and under what circumstances supports can be withdrawn.

Privacy and Dignity Policy and Procedure

Privacy Easy English

About confidentiality.

Information Management

How your personal information will be collected and why.

 Consent Policy and Procedure

How your information is stored and used, and when and you can access or correct your information. That consent is sought to collect, use and retain your information and to disclose your information.

Advocacy Support Policy and Procedure

Your right to use an advocate.

Feedback and Complaints

Complaints Easy English

Your processes to give feedback or make a complaint.

Incident Management Policy and Procedure

Information about incident management, including how incidents involving you will be managed.

Service Agreement with Clients

Support to understand the service agreement and conditions.

Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure

To ensure that actions and decisions taken within all levels in the organisation are informed, objective, and fair.

Person-Centred Support Policy and Procedure

Information about your rights and responsibilities and what you can expect from your supports with Directions.

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